Gwen Albano Miner

Gwen grew up on a beautiful farm near Weiser, Idaho, where she loved to climb up to the treehouse in the silver maple, hide out, and read. She proudly applied for her first library card at the Weiser Public Library at age six and was delighted each Saturday when she was allowed to check out as many books as she could carry.

Gwen graduated in English Literature from the University of Utah where her husband, Joe, graduated from the Eccles School of Medicine. She is a voracious reader and has a lifetime interest in reading the history and literature of the American West. Gwen has lived in Springville, Utah, for forty-three years, where she has served on the board of the Springville Public Library. She is also an accomplished pianist and organist, having studied and performed music most of her life. She and Joe are the parents of four wonderful children and they recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.


Kenneth L. Cannon


John Sillito